5th Class STEM Designing a Fairy Chair
Rang a cúig engaged in a STEM project where they had to design a fairy chair that we could add to the school garden. In their groups the girls had to plan and design their fairy chair which they would then build. The girls were given a criteria for the build.
1) The chair has to be at least 10cm in height.
2) The chair must be free standing.
3) The chair must hold the weight of a marble.
4) can only use the materials given to build the chair.
The girls were given limited materials such as cardboard, paper, straws and tape.
After the girls planned how to build their chair each group built the chair. Some groups redesigned their chair as the original plan did not work.
When all groups completed the task each group presented their chair and then we tested each chair to see if it could hold the weight of a marble.
The girls really enjoyed the task and it allowed them to develop their collaboration, teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking skills.
The girls used their knowledge of Maths, Engineering and Science to help them build the chair.
Beaumont Girls School, Woodvale Rd, Beaumont, Cork | Phone: 021 436 4364