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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

"Snow White and the Misfits" A movie by Mr Wilson's 5th Class and the Sunflower Room

13th May 2024

The red carpet, and the green screen were out in our school this week! 

The latest film by Mr Wilson's class was recorded just before our Mid-Term, and we watched the finished movie today! We were so lucky to be joined by Ms Hurley's Sunflower Room who provided us with their brilliant acting abilities. Thank you everyone!!

We recorded this using a green screen in our halla, and the script was a combination of ideas from many of the actors, who suggested jokes, scenes, and edits! It was a completely unique script, written specifically for this occasion! 
The girls learned their lines, acted excellently, helped with costumes, and even became makeup artists! 

We really hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it. 

We are so proud of all of the actors who gave their very best performances. Well done everyone!