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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

Senior Infants School Tour to Leahy’s Farm 1

30th May 2024

We were so excited to go to Leahy’s Farm on our school tour today. We travelled on a double decker bus to get there. 

First, we made chocolate lollipops. Then, we climbed on the climbing ropes. We did an obstacle course and ran through the maze to find the bell tower. 

We saw goats, pigs, alpacas and donkeys. We went on the farm train. We had to hold on tight because it was so fast! 

We went to the petting farm and saw a snake, rabbits and Guinea pigs. The girls got the chance to hold the mice but Ms Dineen was too scared! 

We washed our hands and had a yummy lunch! We got the bus back to school and brought home our lollipops. It was the best day ever! 🐭🐰🐷🐮🐥🐔🐴