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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

Infant School Tour

29th May 2024

We had a wonderful school tour today at Leahy’s Farm. We were so lucky that the sun was shining for us!

We all gathered in our classroom and a little while later, we lined up with our partner and teacher walked us down to the bus. We were so excited when we got to sit on the top deck! 

When we arrived to the farm, we met our guide Kelly. She was so nice. She gave us melted chocolate, lollipop sticks and moulds and we all made our very own chocolate lollipops. We decorated our lollipops with mini smarties, sprinkles and marshmallows. It was so much fun! 

Afterwards, we got to go to the maze and our challenge was to find the wooden tower and ring the bell. It was such a fun but challenging maze. Even Ms Fanning found it tricky! 

We then set off to see all the animals. We saw some donkeys, alpacas, goats and pigs. They were really cute. We learned that if you annoy an alpaca, they will spit at you! 

Next, we had a go on the barrel train! It went so fast and we loved it. The playground was nearby so we got to have a little play there while we waited for the Ms Hayes’ class to finish their train rides. Some of us were brave enough to try the big zip-line! 

Finally, we went to the petting area. We saw a colourful peacock and some guinea pigs. We were allowed to touch a snake and some girls even put the snake around their neck. We loved petting the cute bunny rabbit and the little white mouse. We then got to feed some goats and donkeys. 

To end our wonderful tour, we had some delicious hot food and we headed back to the bus. We loved Leahy’s Farm!