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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

Physically exploring edges, vertices, and the components of 3D Shapes - Mr Wilson's 5th Class

28th May 2024

In line with the new Primary Maths Curriculum which promotes "learning that is characterised by playfulness, creativity, challenge, risk-taking, collaboration and opportunities for reasoning and solving real-life problems", The girls in Mr Wilson's 5th Class had a great 3D shapes lesson. 

Using lollipop sticks as "edges" of 3d Shapes, and Blue Tack as "vertices", the girls were tasked to work together in their groups to create various shapes. Some of the shapes were much easier to make than others, and of course, with any activity, there were many failures before we began to have successes. 

The learning truly came alive as we were able to physically touch the difficult to understand concept of a vertex! 

We explored, experimented and had a really enjoyable lesson! We won't be forgetting the properties of 3D shapes anytime soon!