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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

4th Class Historical Investigation of Ballintemple Cemetery

16th Sep 2024

This week, Mr. Wilson’s 4th class had the unique opportunity to step back in time and uncover the rich past of our local area through a visit to Ballintemple Cemetery. As part of their ongoing history project, the class took a field trip to this historical site, where they engaged in a hands-on investigation of the local burial ground, examining tombstones, inscriptions, and historical records.

The graveyard, one of the oldest in our community, provided a perfect backdrop for the students to explore the stories of those who lived in Ballintemple centuries ago. The class worked in small groups, documenting gravestones, analyzing inscriptions, and piecing together historical narratives. Students were able to observe firsthand the family names, dates, and epitaphs that give insight into the social, economic, and cultural history of the area.

Throughout the visit, students discussed how the gravestones reflected different time periods, from the mid-19th century to the present day. Mr. Wilson also led the class in a discussion about how gravestones serve as valuable historical records, preserving information about local families, notable individuals, and important events in the community’s history.

Some highlights of the trip included discovering the resting places of notable figures in Ballintemple’s history, including early settlers and local heroes. The students took detailed notes, sketches, and photographs to further investigate back in the classroom.