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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

News Archive

16th Oct 2024
Today, Junior Infants were tasked with designing and building structures which could...
16th Oct 2024
We explored the history of Irish homes.  Then we learnt all about houses around...
16th Oct 2024
We have been learning all about 2D shapes in maths.  Check out the pictures...
15th Oct 2024
Hands-On Exploration of Division! This week, Mr. Wilson’s 4th class delved...
15th Oct 2024
Our Maths lessons this week focused on the number six. We practiced making the number...
15th Oct 2024
Last week was Space Week and we had a busy week in Senior Infants with different...
14th Oct 2024
With Halloween fast approaching, the girls in 1st class have been busy creating Halloween...
14th Oct 2024
11th Oct 2024
We had lots of fun today. We started the morning off with some STEM activities where...
9th Oct 2024
The week is busy in Beaumont Girls school! Zumba on Mondays, Well-being Walk on...