
Half zip top & beanie


Dry-fit shorts with pockets

Senior uniform, jumper & trouser option.

School Uniform available from Laura’s, South Douglas Road.
- Blue school pinafore with school crest.
- Blue shirt.*
- Blue school cardigan.*
- Black/Navy tights or white socks*
- Black shoes
Senior School Uniform available from 4orm, Carrigaline(5th & 6th class) www.4orm.ie
- School Jumper
- Navy trousers*
- White revere blouse*
School Track-suit
Items available form 4orm Carrigaline www.4orm.ie
- Blue school half zip track-suit top school crest.
- White polo-shirt.*
- Choice of navy tracksuit *, shorts*, leggings* or navy skort.
- Runners.
All items marked with an asterix are also available from Tesco, Dunnes, Marks & Spencer, Pennys etc.
Our uniform represents us!
Please ensure that it is neat and tidy at all times!
Thank you for your co-operation.
Beaumont Girls School, Woodvale Rd, Beaumont, Cork | Phone: 021 436 4364